Winter Speaker Series 2022

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© Rommy Gonzalez

"(Techno)Science Beyond the Nation-State"

Dieses Jahr findet wieder die Winter Speaker Series am CELLS statt. Der nächste Talk wird am 10. November von 5:30-6:30pm CES / 11:30am-12:30pm US Eastern stattfinden.


Meet Us By the Roaring Sea: A Conversation with Akil Kumarasamy"

Meet Us by the Roaring Sea is a novel that shifts perspectives between a 26-year-old A.I. employee in NYC and passages from a late 1990s manuscript she is translating from Tamil to English about a group of female medical students living through a drought and at the edge of a war as they try to form a new way of existence through an idea of “radical compassion.” Both narratives cross time and geographies, entangling lives and complicating ideas of borders, both between individuals and nations.

Mehr Informationen zur Anmeldung und den Vorträgen finden Sie hier.